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Rotary Food4Kids Backpack Program
Our club provides weekend meals EVERY WEEK to kids who may not have enough to eat on days with no school lunch.  The program launched Thanksgiving week 2014, and has been continuously operating since; 2016 article here.  Much thanks to members, school administrators, and the amazingly supportive community of Oak Harbor.
We need member involvement to make this work!
There are two functions that need to be filled weekly.  We have changed from three separate days of the week to doing packing and delivery on the same day (Thursday).  Many times the packing takes less than a full hour, as does delivering backpacks to 2 or 3 schools; if you have a full hour to hour and a half and feel so inclined, you can sign up for a packing and delivery on the same day...maybe a couple schools are on your way home?
Thursdays: 3 people to pack the backpacks (less than 1hr)
Thursdays:  2 people to deliver the backpacks to all 5 schools (1 hr)
-Note, due to the school calendar there are a few weeks where we deviate from the normal schedule with parent teacher conferences, holiday, emergency make up day closures, etc.
We are managing signups exclusively thru a free program called Signup (formerly VolunteerSpot).  It does NOT require an account, but will ask for email, phone, and name.
PLEASE look thru your calendar and fill the spots that you can!
Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on
Our backpack program depends on volunteer support from our amazing club members and financial support from the community at large as well as partner organizations including:
North Whidbey Island Sunrise
Island Thrift (THANK YOU!)